So that's it for 2007, we have come to an end. Taking stock, this is a very good year, a very bullish year in fact. STI continue to set new record to nearly 4,000 points. This is something we never seen before. During previous decades, the highest point STI can go was just slightly above 2,500. But today, we make history again and again. However, in July 2007, US subprime problem triggered a correction and subsequently, market became very volatile. We have, unfortunately, to live with it even in 2008. And in case you asked how I fare this year in stock investment, I did quite well. My uncompounded absolute returns is above 20%. This is simply using the money I won over the initial investment. Existing portfolio gain/loss is not considered. My portfolio actually suffers a 8% losses when SGX closed for the year. Even if we use "holding periods return" to measure, my gain is still well above 10%. 

I wish to take this opportunity to wish all my friends and readers Happy New Year, good health and "show us the money!!!".