And yesterday, TV Mobile on SBS bus reported that Typhoon Mitag killed 22 Filipinos. But if what Joshua told me is true, he will not be affected. According to him, Boracay Island is surrounded by islands thus having similar strategic location like Singapore. Based on the original schedule, we should be spending three days (26 – 28 Nov) in Boracay Island.
This evening, while I was on my way back home, the TV Mobile in

I actually thought of calling Joshua but I knew that he does not turn on his mobile phone during his holiday. Besides, I really don’t know what to say if I call him. This is because I might be perceived to be sarcastic because my instinct is, in a way, quite correct. I had emphasized many time that I don’t have the peace for this trip. In any case, I serious don’t think that anything could happen to Joshua and his family. This is because he is very familiar with The Philippines and he knows how to get help from our embassy if there is a need. We have a friend currently working in our embassy in Manila.
As for me, with this experience, I am not sure if I would ever visit Philippines unless the government is able to establish political stability. Notwithstanding the probability of future visit to Philippines, I still need to prepare a thousand dollar cheque for the damages when Joshua returns from his holiday. The damages can only be alleviated if he is able to change his hotel room. And I hope for the best.